One-off or Quarterly updated report

3 scenarios to year 2050 of the Italian electricity market prices (Central/ Reference, High and Low) by adopting the edera model, a dispatching-based tool developed by Elemens which solves the market on hourly basis, by evaluating the following sets of assumptions: electricity demand, RES development, conventional plants generation, commodities and carbon prices, grid development, storage evolution



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→    National price scenarios: the average annual baseload PUN to 2050
→    Zonal price scenarios:
average annual zonal baseload prices to 2050
average annual zonal captured prices by a standard Wind profile to 2050
average annual zonal prices by a standard PV profile to 2050


→    a report in ppt-layout which summarizes the key assumptions and the main results of the study;
→    an excel file which includes the outputs and the main inputs.


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